The psychology behind dogs burying food
There isn’t one simple answer to the question ‘why do dogs bury food?’. In fact, there are several reasons your pup might exhibit this behaviour, which is known as ‘caching’. Understanding the specific motivations behind your pet burying their treats is key if you want to stop them from doing so. To help you figure it out, here are some of the most common causes of caching behaviour in dogs:
Today, our pups live a life of luxury. They have cosy beds to nap on, toys to play with, and devoted humans to walk, cuddle and groom them. Plus, a stable supply of meals and treats. Yet it wasn’t always like that. Questions such as why do dogs bury food make much more sense when you think about what’s in their DNA.
The exact process by which people domesticated dogs and when is still the subject of scientific research. However, experts believe our canine companions evolved from either grey wolves, a now-extinct species of wolf, or both.(1) These wolves lived in packs in the wild, where food scarcity was common – as was competition for that food. Burying leftover meat was a sensible way to save it for later. Underground, it would stay cool and relatively safe from other predators, ready to dig up in times of need.
That much makes sense. But why do dogs bury their food when they live in happy homes with plenty of kibble to go around? It’s because they still feel an evolutionary instinct to hide excess food in case the next meal never comes. As a behaviour that enabled their ancient ancestors to survive, it’s hard-wired into their DNA. The fact that caching is no longer necessary doesn’t reduce the drive to do it.
It’s like how experts think evolution is one reason people crave unhealthy foods rich in sugar, fat and calories. Energy-dense foods were rare, and key to our ancestors’ survival. Today, that’s not true for many of us. But even when we have enough to eat and know consuming junk in excess is harmful, we still want it. So, don’t give your pup a hard time if he buries food – it’s in his nature!
Another answer to the question ‘why do dogs bury food?’ is that they just aren’t hungry for it. This links with the discussion above of hiding leftovers in anticipation of times of scarcity. If you give your pooch a treat that they don’t want to eat immediately, they may decide to save it. And their instincts tell them that burying it is a safe way to do so. The idea being that they can dig it up later when they’re feeling peckish.
If you’re frequently asking yourself ‘why does my dog bury his treats?’, it could be a sign of overfeeding. Pups should want to scarf down a treat straight away. If yours doesn’t, it’s worth checking how much food you’re giving them and comparing it to the guidelines. This is important because overfeeding your pooch can lead to obesity, which increases the risk of numerous health problems. These include inflammatory conditions, heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. It may also shorten their lifespan and reduce their quality of life.(2)
The amount of food your pet requires will depend on factors like their size, age, and health needs. If you’re unsure of how much to feed your pup, speak to a vet for advice. In cases where overeating is why dogs bury food, reducing the quantity you give them should stop the behaviour.
If you live in a multi-pet household and wonder ‘why does my dog try to bury her food?’, possessiveness could be the answer. Sometimes, animals are afraid that others in the house will take their food or treats. They may therefore feel the need to guard their resources – and burying them is one way of doing so. It’s most common in pups who lived in an environment where they had to compete with other dogs for food. Although natural, there’s a risk of this behaviour leading to aggression. As such, you might want to consult an animal behaviourist if you think your pooch is feeling territorial about meals.
A frequent explanation for why dogs bury food is anxiety. This could be because they have previously experienced food scarcity, and still worry about when their next meal will be. Alternatively, the anxiety may have nothing to do with food at all. Burying treats and toys can be a form of calming, self-soothing behaviour in response to stress. That might be stress from a big change like a house move, or a long-term issue like separation anxiety.
Anxiety in dogs normally causes more symptoms than caching behaviour alone. For example, they may pant, pace, shake, whine, lick their lips, or groom excessively. If you think stress is the reason your dog is burying food, try to remove the source of their anxiety. Of course, sometimes you either can’t pinpoint the cause or can’t get rid of it completely. In which case, there are steps you can take to ease your pet’s nerves and help them feel safe. We’ve got an article on dealing with dog anxiety here, plus some top tips at the end of this post.
Perhaps the most light-hearted answer to the question ‘why do dogs bury food?’ is that they find it entertaining! It may simply be a game to them, and one that satisfies their instinct to burrow and hide things. Burying treats can also give them a task to focus on, and a feeling of satisfaction when they’ve finished. They might enjoy the physical act of digging and burying items, plus the excitement of finding those things later. As long as your dog is not causing any damage or making themselves ill by eating old food, caching for fun should be harmless.
Sometimes, your pup might bury things to get attention from you or other members of the family. They usually do this with items they know you’ll notice – like hiding the TV remote in the laundry basket. However, there’s a chance they may stash away treats for this reason too. Why do dogs bury food as a way to get your attention? Think of it as their idea of playing hide-and-seek with you – they conceal a treat in the sofa cushions, and you find it. If you’re not keen on the game, try engaging your pet in a different one instead! Alternatively, simply don’t react to them burying food. If they don’t receive the attention that they want from doing it, they should stop.
A more physical than psychological answer to the question ‘why do dogs bury food?’ is nausea. If your pup is feeling unwell, the smell of their food might be off-putting to them. In which case, one solution they might try is burying the offensive meal. This also applies if they feel completely fine but simply find a certain type of food unappetising!
To help you figure out if nausea is to blame, look out for other symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, and diarrhoea. It’s a good idea to take your pet to the vet if they are experiencing any of these issues. That way, you can work out what the underlying cause is and how to treat it.
Do male and female dogs have different burying behaviours?
One factor that doesn’t seem to be relevant to the question ‘why do dogs bury food?’ is gender. Both male and female dogs may exhibit caching behaviour, and there don’t appear to be significant distinctions between the two. Your dog’s breed, however, is a different story.
Some breeds of pup are more inclined to bury their food than others. For example, dogs that were originally bred to hunt small prey tend to be fond of digging. While it’s possible for any type of dog to bury treats, the habit is most often seen in beagles, dachshunds, terriers, miniature schnauzers, and basset hounds. Of course, not all pups from these breeds will hide snacks – it’s down to their individual personalities.
Should you let your dog bury food?
So, why do dogs try to bury their food? A whole host of different reasons. But is caching behaviour in dogs something to worry about? And should you try to stop them?
Burying snacks isn't necessarily a bad thing, provided your pet isn’t aggressive about it or doing it excessively. It can even be a fun way for your dog to spend their time. However, it might be annoying for you if your pup is digging up the flowerbeds or damaging furniture and carpets. And no one wants to find old treats in the laundry basket! So it’s really up to you whether you want to discourage your pooch from caching or not. It’s also worth considering the reason they’re doing it. For example, if you’ve asked ‘why does my dog bury his food?’ and think the answer is anxiety, it’s probably an issue you should deal with rather than ignore.
Can eating buried food make your dog sick?
You don’t normally need to worry about your pup munching food that has a bit of dirt on it. Treats that have only been buried for a short time shouldn’t give them any trouble. However, tucking into buried food isn’t a habit you want to encourage.
If food has been underground for a long time, it may well have gone bad. And consuming spoiled food can cause digestive problems for your pooch, such as vomiting and diarrhoea. In severe cases, it might result in food poisoning and require veterinary treatment. There’s also a risk that your pup could eat something else in the ground with the treat, like a stone. This could cause an intestinal blockage or similar issue. So, if your dog has eaten buried food and is experiencing any negative symptoms, take them to the vet.
Why do dogs bury food and eat it if it makes them sick? They’re scavengers by nature, so are likely to wolf down anything that seems edible to them. Even if we try to explain that it’s not! To prevent the problem from occurring, check out the tips below on reducing caching behaviour in dogs.
What to do if your dog buries their food and treats
We’ve covered the question ‘why do dogs bury food?’, so now let’s look at how to address the issue. In some cases, you might not need to do anything. However, if your pup’s digging is causing concern, try the following tips to tackle caching behaviour in dogs:
- If overfeeding is the cause, reduce the amount of food or treats you give your pup. Check with the vet if you’re unsure how much to feed your pet.
- If your pooch is caching for fun, ensure they have lots of mental stimulation when at home. For example, leave toys out for them to play with and use puzzle feeders when giving them treats.
- If you think your pup is burying food for attention, don’t make a fuss when they do it. Reacting calmly may reduce the behaviour.
- If your dog struggles with food anxiety, stick to a regular feeding schedule. This should help them feel secure about receiving their next meal.
- If your pet is anxious for other reasons, ensure they have a safe and comfortable space to retreat to. You could also try a functional food like ashwagandha, which studies show may ease stress responses and symptoms of anxiety.(3)
- If your pup runs off with food, try feeding them in a closed room where they can’t bury it. You can then supervise them to make sure they actually eat it.
- If your pet simply loves to dig, consider providing them with a sandbox. This should give them a safe place to indulge in this instinct – and prevent them from disturbing your flowerbeds!