07 Feb, 2025

Should you add water to dog food? Pros and cons explained

Irina Turcan
Should you add water to dog food? Pros and cons explained

Adding water to dog food: an explainer

Before getting into the advantages and disadvantages of adding water to dry dog food, let’s clarify exactly what it means. We’re not talking about filling your pup’s food bowl to the brim and making kibble soup! It’s more like you’re moistening or soaking the biscuits. This softens them without turning them into mush. The exact quantity to use will depend on the amount of kibble you feed your pet and their personal preferences. However, as a rough guide, you could try about a quarter of a cup of water per meal. You should notice the kibble expand, and it will probably also lighten in colour. That pretty much covers the how. Next up, the why.

Pros of adding water to dry dog food

Here are five benefits of adding water to dry dog food:

1. It helps your pup stay hydrated

Keeping your canine companion hydrated is important for many reasons. It helps them regulate their body temperature, flushes out toxins, and supports their joint and brain health. And adding water to dry dog food is one way to ensure they get enough H2O. This is especially relevant if your pooch only eats kibble, because they won’t be getting any water from wet food. Likewise, some animals aren’t very diligent at drinking from their water bowl. If that’s true of your pet, adding water to dry dog food could be an effective method of upping their daily intake.

This advantage of adding water to dry dog food is also particularly pertinent for pups who are prone to dehydration. That includes puppies, older pooches, dogs who are nursing, and toy breeds like Pomeranians, Yorkshire Terriers, and Chihuahuas. Signs of dehydration in canines include a dry nose, lethargy, thick saliva, excessive panting, dull gums, and sunken eyes. If the symptoms are severe, be sure to take your pet to the vet. Adding water to dog food alone won’t be sufficient to rehydrate them.

2. It makes kibble more appetising

Dry biscuits aren’t the most exciting of cuisines, and it is possible for pups to get bored of their meals. Happily, there are plenty of ways to make your pet’s dinner more interesting. For instance, you could add some extra ingredients like fresh herbs, vegetables, cooked beans, or brown rice. These will give kibble a novel taste, texture, and smell that your mutt may enjoy. There are also functional foods that bring additional health benefits to your pooch’s bowl. As an example, studies show ashwagandha powder can reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.(1)

However, a simpler option for making it more appealing is adding water to dry dog food. More specifically, warm water helps to release more aroma from the biscuits, which makes them extra appetising for your pooch. The scent of their chow is especially important to dogs. Their sense of smell is greatly superior to ours, whereas they have far fewer taste buds than we do. All of which means that adding water to dry dog food could help convince a fussy pup to start eating.

3. It assists digestion

Kibble isn’t the easiest ingredient for your pet to digest. While this doesn't cause problems for most pups, it may not be ideal for those with tummy troubles or other conditions. Older dogs might also find dry food harder to eat. If this applies to your pooch, adding water to dry dog food could be the answer. It softens the biscuits and makes it easier for your pet’s body to break them down. That enables them to absorb more nutrients from their meals too.

However, we should point out that adding water to dry dog food is not necessarily sufficient to solve digestive issues. If your pet is experiencing unpleasant symptoms, it’s best to take them to the vet. You could also try including some gut-friendly ingredients in their diet. For example, Jerusalem artichoke is rich in inulin, a fibre that nourishes the good bacteria in their gut. Fibre can additionally ease conditions like constipation and diarrhoea, further supporting your fluffy friend’s digestive health.(2) Sticking to a regular feeding schedule and ensuring your mutt gets enough exercise will help too.

4. It makes kibble easier to chew

One of the main reasons people consider adding water to dry dog food is that it makes the biscuits softer. Why is this a positive thing? Well, kibble is pretty solid. This means that if your pup has dental problems, then eating it could be painful or even impossible for them. Mixing a little water in dog food or allowing it to soak for a while softens it up. The texture becomes spongier, so there’s no need for pups to crunch the biscuits. That’s good news for pets with sore gums, damaged teeth, or similar concerns.

There are other ways to help pooches with dental problems in addition to adding water to dry dog food. A vet can perform a professional scale and polish under anaesthesia, but you could also brush their teeth at home. Just make sure you buy a toothpaste and toothbrush specifically for dogs rather than using human ones! If you’re unsure, ask your vet to show you what to do.

5. It may help with weight management

The final potential advantage of adding water to dry dog food that we’re going to discuss relates to weight management. Obesity is a common problem for pets, usually arising from a mixture of overfeeding and a lack of exercise. Just like in humans, it can contribute to a range of health concerns. This includes an increased risk of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory problems.

Mixing water in dog food causes the kibble to expand, so your pup feels more satiated after eating. As such, it could reduce the likelihood of them overeating. Along similar lines, adding water to dry dog food might also encourage your pooch to eat more slowly. Again, this may lessen the risk of them consuming too much. Another technique you can use to prevent overeating is using puzzle feeders. These provide entertainment as well as slowing down the rate at which your pet eats. And, of course, the most important thing is to make sure you’re not giving them too many treats!

Cons of adding water to dry dog food

Here are five potential downsides to adding water to dry dog food:

1. There’s a risk of bacterial growth

One concern with adding water to dry dog food is that it creates an environment in which germs can thrive. Moist kibble is more likely to harbour bacteria and encourage mould growth, especially when the weather is warm. Eating contaminated food could cause all sorts of problems for your pet, from digestive troubles to more serious conditions.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t safely use water in dog food. You can mitigate these risks by making sure you don’t leave damp kibble sitting out for very long. Of course, if your pooch tends to gobble down their meals, that probably won’t be a problem! And once your pup has finished eating, clean their bowl thoroughly and dispose of any uneaten soaked biscuits.

2. It could increase the risk of dental problems

We mentioned that adding water to dry dog food helps pups who can’t chew hard grub because of dental issues. However, it’s important to note that there’s a possible flip side to this. Some studies have found that eating large, dry kibble results in better oral hygiene in dogs.(3) If your mutt’s biscuits are soft, they might be missing out on this potential health benefit.

To mitigate this, another tactic you can employ to keep your pup’s teeth healthy – aside from brushing them – is feeding them dental treats. Chew toys could also help to keep your furry friend’s oral health in top shape. Signs your pet may be experiencing dental problems include bad breath, red or swollen gums, and discolouration of the teeth. You might additionally notice them pawing at their mouth, or even spot teeth that are loose, fractured, or missing. In such cases, it’s best to book an appointment with the vet.

3. It might promote overeating

Yes, we did say one of the pros of adding water to dry dog food is it could reduce overeating! So, why the contradiction here? Well, it links with another of the advantages – that it makes kibble more appetising to some pups. If your pet isn’t keen on dry biscuits but loves them with a little water, they may overindulge. To get around this, keep an eye on your pooch when trying out soaked biscuits the first few times. You can then gauge their reaction and make sure they don’t eat too much or too fast.

Other ways to avoid the risk of obesity in your pet include weighing them regularly and ensuring they get plenty of exercise. Some pups snack when they’re bored, so giving them lots of toys to play with might also help. You should be able to see and feel your dog’s waist and ribs if they’re a healthy weight.

4. It could have negative effects

It’s important to note that there has been little research into the consequences of adding water to dry dog food. As such, there may be unwanted side effects that we aren’t yet aware of. In fact, one study found that feeding pups water-softened dry food had some adverse outcomes. It raised levels of the stress hormone cortisol and caused an increase in pathogenic bacteria in the gut microbiome. The researchers concluded that, rather than having digestive benefits, adding water to dry dog food might cause stress and have a negative influence on pooches’ intestinal health.(4) So, if you do decide to try this method, monitor your mutt closely to see how they respond.

5. Some pups just don’t like soggy kibble

Ultimately, adding water to dry dog food is only going to be useful if your pet likes it. And while some definitely do, others definitely don’t! In particular, your pup is unlikely to enjoy soggy kibble. To avoid this, don’t leave the biscuits soaking in water for too long. The perfect length of time will depend on several factors, including the brand of kibble and your pooch’s preferences. This means it may take a little trial and error to find the right method for making your dog’s meals.

Another factor to remember is that sudden changes in diet might cause tummy troubles for our canine friends. It’s best to start adding water to dry dog food slowly, for example by using less liquid at first. You could also begin by mixing soaked and unsoaked kibble together in one bowl for your pup. Depending on how they respond, you can then increase the proportion of soaked biscuits and amount of water you use.

So, should you put water in dog food or not?

The question of whether adding water to dry dog food is a good idea or not is a tricky one. There are both pros and cons to this approach, so the right answer will depend on your pup. For older dogs and those with dental issues, it could be a helpful tactic. However, it’s important to take steps to mitigate the potential downsides of this feeding style. If you’re unsure of what to do, we recommend consulting your vet. They’ll be able to give advice that’s tailored to your pet’s individual situation and health needs. Then, if appropriate, you can trial adding water to dry dog food with your pooch. At the end of the day, their reaction will probably be what decides the matter!