How dogs decide what to eat
To answer the question ‘do dogs get sick of their food?’, we first need to understand their sense of taste. Like us, pups have taste buds on their tongue that allow them to perceive flavour. However, while we have approximately 9,000 taste buds, they only have around 1,700. And as they grow old, this number decreases. That’s one reason why elderly pooches sometimes lose their appetite or become pickier about what they want to eat.
This relative lack of taste buds means that our pups can’t distinguish between as many subtle flavours as we can. So, while they can taste the difference between contrasting ingredients, they might not notice a variation between more similar ones. For example, different types of berries probably all taste identical to them. Do dogs get bored of their food more often because it all tastes the same? Not necessarily. It may be that, because they can’t taste them, they don’t crave new flavours. This could also explain why some pooches are more than happy to eat out of the bin!
How do dogs get tired of their food then? It might be more to do with smell. The scent of an ingredient can enhance its flavour – for both us and our pets. Thanks to their superior sense of smell and a special scent organ on their palate, the aroma of food is especially important for dogs. In fact, it’s often odour that warns them if something is mouldy or otherwise unsafe to eat. Smell also explains why many pups get more excited about wet food than dry kibble.
What can dogs taste?
Although dogs have fewer taste buds than we do, they still have receptors for the same kinds of flavours. Our pups can detect spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty notes, though they aren’t as sensitive to salt as people. This is likely to be because their ancestors ate a meaty diet that was naturally high in salt. As such, they wouldn’t have needed to seek out additional sources of it. Conversely, most pooches enjoy sweet flavours, potentially due to the wild fruits in their ancestral diet. Do dogs get bored with their food if it’s sweet? It’s possible. However, too much sugar is bad for our pets, so they shouldn’t be eating enough to tire of it!
Interestingly, unlike us, pups have taste buds for water. These are on the tip of their tongue and become more sensitive after eating or when your pooch is thirsty. This encourages your dog to drink water, helping to keep them hydrated.
Do dogs get bored of their food more easily depending on its flavour? That comes down to your pup and their individual likes and dislikes. Most pooches avoid bitter, spicy, and sour tastes altogether, while seeking out sweet ones. They have taste buds finely tuned to fats, meat, and meat-related chemicals, so are likely to enjoy those flavours more.
Why your dog might stop eating
Can dogs get bored of their food? Yes. Although they like consistency in their routine – including what they eat and when – they do also experience boredom. Is this the only reason your pet could lose their appetite? No. There are many possible explanations as to why your pup turns up their nose at their dinner.
For example, there could be something unappetising about the meal. If it’s wet food, check that it’s in date, not mouldy, and hasn’t been sat out for too long. If it’s dry kibble, make sure it hasn’t gone soft or stale. Knowing how to store dog food can make a big difference to its shelf life. Both the flavour and nutritional value of dog food deteriorate when you store it incorrectly. If you think this is the reason your pup isn’t eating, simply dish up a fresh meal.
Another possibility is that an underlying health condition is responsible for your pet’s loss of appetite. This could be something physical, like dental problems, pain, or nausea. Alternatively, your pet might not be hungry because of a mental health condition like stress or separation anxiety. Keep an eye out for other symptoms and take your pup to the vet if you suspect there’s anything wrong.
Not only do dogs get bored of their food, but they can get bored more generally. If your pooch isn’t excited about eating, it might be a sign that they need more mental and physical stimulation. For instance, you could take them on more walks, play games inside the house, or teach them some new tricks. A puzzle feeder could also be a fantastic way to add fun to mealtimes!
What to do if your dog won’t eat
Not only do dogs get bored of their food, they can lose their appetite for several other reasons. If your pet stops eating, we recommend you first rule out things like stale food, health concerns, and general boredom. Once you’ve done that, you can begin looking into ways to spice up your pup’s meals. Please note that we don’t mean that literally! Spicy food causes a burning feeling in your dog’s mouth and digestive system. It may also result in unpleasant side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and flatulence.
One simple trick you could try is adding a splash of warm water to your pooch’s food. This works to release the scent of the meal and increase its appeal for your pet. As a bonus, it means your pup gets some extra hydration too. And if they struggle to eat dry food because of dental problems, softening the kibble in this way could help. Just be sure not to use boiling water – you don’t want your furry friend to burn their mouth.
Can dogs get tired of their food if you add water? Yes, it’s possible this tactic might not be enough to hold your pet’s interest in their chow. But don’t worry, it’s not the only suggestion we have! Let’s look at some more ways to make your pup’s mealtimes more enticing.
How to make your dog’s diet more exciting
If you find your pup is going off their food, try adding some variety to their diet. This could be as simple as buying another flavour or brand of wet or dry food. Just ensure that whatever you choose is high quality, full of nutrition, and appropriate for your pet’s needs. That means suitable for both their age and any health conditions they might have. Bear in mind that it doesn’t have to be a drastic change. Even a minor variation in texture, taste, or aroma can be enough to reawaken your pooch’s interest in mealtimes.
Do dogs get tired of eating the same food regardless of what you do to it? Not necessarily. Another option is to try mixing some new ingredients into your pup’s current chow. This is a good choice if you’ve got lots of the ‘boring’ food left in the cupboard! It’s also a wonderful way to add extra nutrients to your pet’s meals. What’s more, you can pick specific ingredients to help support your dog’s wellbeing.
For example, you could mix a little ashwagandha powder into your pup’s wet food to ease symptoms of stress. Alternatively, try Jerusalem artichoke powder to maintain their gut health. We additionally love feeding our canine friends sea buckthorn oil as a way to care for their skin and coat. There are also foods that can look after your dog’s vision, or help to tackle chronic inflammation in your pooch.
These types of ingredients add a new flavour to your pup’s meals without being overwhelming. Do dogs get bored of their food when you use them? We can’t promise they won’t, but it’s worth a try!
Considering fresh food for your dog?
Do dogs get bored of their food more often when it’s tinned food or dry kibble rather than fresh? That’s certainly possible. So, if your pup seems to be tired of their usual meals, you might want to consider trying fresh food. You can either make this yourself using high-quality ingredients or buy pre-made fresh dog food from specialist companies. This option takes a bit more effort and/or money than using regular dog food, but can definitely be worth it. Fresh dog food could also be an effective way to sneak more nutritious ingredients into your pet’s diet. Plus, it doesn’t contain any preservatives.
For example, you could feed your pup human-grade meats like chicken, beef, and lamb, along with specific vegetables and grains. Just take care to cook the meat thoroughly, and don’t use any seasonings without checking if they’re safe for pooches. Ingredients such as onions, chives, and garlic are harmful to our canine friends. Conversely, a little ginger, parsley, cinnamon, or mint may support certain aspects of their wellbeing.
Other pooch-friendly ingredients include fruits like apples, blueberries, bananas, pears, mango, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon and pineapple. Our pups can also tuck into vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, courgette, cucumber and peas.
Do dogs get bored of their food when it’s fresh? Admittedly, it’s still possible. However, you might find that the potential it offers to mix up your pet’s diet makes boredom less likely. We suggest chatting with a vet before feeding your pet homemade fresh dog food. This will help ensure it’s the right option for your pup, and that you can make meals with all the nutrients they need.
Steps for safely changing your dog’s diet
Do dogs get bored of their food? Sometimes. Is fixing this issue as easy as buying a new food? Not always! A quick change in diet could result in tummy troubles for some pups, while others may resist a speedy switch. As such, it’s best to swap to a different food gradually – ideally over a period of seven to ten days. Here’s how that might look in terms of the ratio of new and old food on each day:
Day One – 10% new food and 90% old food
Day Two – 20% new food and 80% old food
Day Three – 30% new food and 70% old food
Day Four – 40% new food and 60% old food
Day Five – 50% new food and 50% old food
Day Six – 60% new food and 40% old food
Day Seven – 70% new food and 30% old food
Day Eight – 80% new food and 20% old food
Day Nine – 90% new food and 10% old food
Day Ten – only serve your pup the new food
You can alter this schedule to suit your pet. Some dogs may take longer to adjust to a new food, some might get used to it more quickly. If you notice your pooch suffering from any kind of digestive troubles, it’s best to extend the transition. And, of course, if you have any concerns about how your pup is reacting to the new food, stop using it and speak to a vet.
What about rotational diets? Do dogs get bored of their food when you keep changing it? It’s less likely, so this could be a useful method if your pooch loses interest in new meals quickly.
Do dogs get bored of their food? Final thoughts
So, do dogs get bored of their food? Some of them do, some of them don’t! If your pup craves variation in their meals, try mixing some novel ingredients into their food to keep it interesting. Not only are these small changes easy to make, but they can also add extra nutrition to your pet’s diet. That’s sure to get your pooch’s tail wagging!